Edited by University of Chicago, Booth School of Business, USA
Publication Date: 18 Dec 2018
Suggested Citation: University of Chicago (ed.) (2018), "Market Tantrums and Monetary Policy: Proceedings of the U.S. Monetary Policy Forum ", Boston-Delft: now publishers, http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/9781680834864
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The U.S. Monetary Policy Forum (USMPF) is an annual conference that brings academics, market economists, and policymakers together to discuss U.S. monetary policy. A standing group of academic and private sector economists (the USMPF panelists) has rotating responsibility for producing a report on a critical medium-term issue confronting the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The 2014 USMPF panel includes private-sector members Michael Feroli (JP Morgan Chase), David Greenlaw (Morgan Stanley), Jan Hatzius (Goldman Sachs), Ethan Harris (Bank of America Merrill Lynch), Peter Hooper (Deutsche Bank), as well as academic panelists Stephen Cecchetti (Brandeis), James Hamilton (UC San Diego), Anil Kashyap (Chicago Booth), Frederic Mishkin (Columbia), Hyun Song Shin (Princeton), Kermit Schoenholtz (New York University) and Kenneth West (Wisconsin). This volume reports the results of the eighth USMPF conference, held on February 28, 2014 in New York, N.Y.