
now Books is our book publishing program. Most books are published stand alone outside of a series. Our regular research monographs, edited volumes and text books are available both as E-books via this site and as printed books. We have also started an Open Access publishing program, which enables us to publish titles using the OA model. These are indicated by the nowOpen logo in the listing below.

Application of Network Function Virtualization in Modern Computer Environments
Application of Network Function Virtualization in Modern Computer Environments NowOpen

By Bojović Živko

Publication Date: 27 Jun 2024


High Performance Privacy Preserving AI
High Performance Privacy Preserving AI NowOpen

By Jayavanth Shenoy | Patrick Grinaway | Shriphani Palakodety

Publication Date: 09 Apr 2024


Robotics and Automation Solutions for Inspection and Maintenance in Critical Infrastructures
Robotics and Automation Solutions for Inspection and Maintenance in Critical Infrastructures NowOpen

By Konstantinos Loupos

Publication Date: 08 Feb 2024


The Sustainability of Operations: Past, Present, Future
The Sustainability of Operations: Past, Present, Future NowOpen

By Joris van de Klundert

Publication Date: 29 Jan 2024


Introduction to Multiple Antenna Communications and Reconfigurable Surfaces
Introduction to Multiple Antenna Communications and Reconfigurable Surfaces NowOpen

By Emil Björnson | Özlem Tuğfe Demir

Publication Date: 17 Jan 2024


A Modern Approach to Teaching an Introduction to Optimization
A Modern Approach to Teaching an Introduction to Optimization

By Warren B. Powell

Publication Date: 17 Jan 2024


Concepts and Design Thinking Innovation Addressing the Global Financial Needs: The INFINITECH Way Foundations
Concepts and Design Thinking Innovation Addressing the Global Financial Needs: The INFINITECH Way Foundations NowOpen

By Martín Serrano | Bardia Khorsand | John Soldatos | Ernesto Troiano | Juergen Neises | Pavlos Kranas | Kostis Perakis | Alessandro Mamelli | Ignacio Elicegui | Dimosthenis Kyriazis | George Makridis | Gisela Sanchez | Marina Cugurra

Publication Date: 03 Jul 2023


Methods and Design Principles for Financial Innovation, Explaining the Supply Side for Interoperability in Finance- and Insurance-Tech: The INFINITECH Applications and Solutions
Methods and Design Principles for Financial Innovation, Explaining the Supply Side for Interoperability in Finance- and Insurance-Tech: The INFINITECH Applications and Solutions NowOpen

By Martín Serrano | Bardia Khorsand | John Soldatos | Ernesto Troiano | Juergen Neises | Pavlos Kranas | Kostis Perakis | Alessandro Mamelli | Ignacio Elicegui | Dimosthenis Kyriazis | George Makridis | Gisela Sanchez | Marina Cugurra

Publication Date: 03 Jul 2023


Technical Financial Innovation, Solving the Interoperability Problems of Europe: The INFINITECH Legacy
Technical Financial Innovation, Solving the Interoperability Problems of Europe: The INFINITECH Legacy NowOpen

By Martín Serrano | Bardia Khorsand | John Soldatos | Ernesto Troiano | Juergen Neises | Pavlos Kranas | Kostis Perakis | Alessandro Mamelli | Ignacio Elicegui | Dimosthenis Kyriazis | George Makridis | Gisela Sanchez | Marina Cugurra

Publication Date: 03 Jul 2023


Towards Sustainable and Trustworthy 6G: Challenges, Enablers, and Architectural Design
Towards Sustainable and Trustworthy 6G: Challenges, Enablers, and Architectural Design NowOpen

By Ömer Bulakçı | Xi Li | Marco Gramaglia | Anastasius Gavras | Mikko Uusitalo | Patrik Rugeland | Mauro Boldi

Publication Date: 06 Jun 2023
