Chapter 4 Lessons Learned in the Application of the General Data Protection Regulation to the BigMedilytics Project

By Ricard Martínez Martínez, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law and Director of the Microsoft Chair of Privacy and Digital Transformation at the University of Valencia. Universitat de València. Avinguda dels Tarongers, s/n València, | Brian Pickering, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton. SO17 1BJ., UK,

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Published: 08 Jul 2024

© 2024 Ricard Martínez Martínez | Brian Pickering


This chapter outlines the challenges faced by the BigMedylitics project for the design of big data research projects with health data. The solutions adopted advanced compliance methodologies aligned with the Data Governance Act and the proposed European Health Data Space Regulation. The lessons learned are especially useful for the future development of health data repositories for research purposes.