Chapter 5 Ethics: A Checklist for Investigators, Ethics Boards, and Reviewers

By Brian Pickering, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton. SO17 1BJ., UK,

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Published: 08 Jul 2024

© 2024 Brian Pickering


The BigMedilytics (BML) project involved a series of exploratory studies aimed at understanding how advanced, Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled and big data technologies might be introduced into different healthcare scenarios and whether such inclusion would be acceptable to patients and clinicians, and institutions. This is in the first place because of the target cohort – namely, patients who are intrinsically vulnerable – and the sensitivity of their personal data. Therefore, these studies require appropriate oversight from a regulatory as well as an ethical perspective. Against the backdrop of what has already been written on ethics, big data, and AI, BML offers a unique opportunity to explore stakeholder attitudes toward the ethical treatment of their data and the effects advanced technologies might have on what they expect from healthcare usage thereof.