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© 2024 Anibal Ollero | Alejandro Suarez | Juan Manuel Marredo | Giovanni Cioffi | Robert Pìnièka | Goran Vasiljevi´c | Viet Duong Hoang | Michele Marolla | Jiaxu Xing | Martin Saska | Stjpan Bogdan | Emad Ebeid | Fabio Ruggiero | J. Ramiro Martínez-de Dios | Davide Scaramuzza | Vincenzo Lippiello | Antidio Viguria
Complementing the inspection and maintenance efforts and industrial domains, this chapter focuses on the Application of Intelligent Aerial Robots to the Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Power Lines. This research is based on the need for cost-effective solutions for powerline mapping and inspection that has motivated the development of aerial robots based on unmanned autonomous helicopters, Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL), or multi-rotors.