Chapter 2. Network Function Virtualization (NFV)

By Živko Bojović, University of Novi Sad, Serbia,

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Published: 27 Jun 2024

© 2024 Živko Bojović


NFV technology develops rapidly, significantly influencing the application of new networking concepts. It implies redesigning traditional, hierarchical, organized networks, implementing more flexible and scalable solutions, and a new concept of network infrastructure management. By operating in a virtual environment such as virtual machines (VMs) and containers, the NFV enables architecture scaling faster, easier, and without extra (specialized) hardware. For example, in the case of system failure on physical devices, the NFV can facilitate disaster recovery.We can relocate a virtual entity to another location in the network so regular functions can be resumed even more quickly. The absence of the need for additional hardware helps operators reduce operational expenses. The new pay-as-you-go business philosophy associated with applying the NFV concept and the cloud also helps clients reduce costs. That is why it can be said with great certainty that organizations are rapidly moving from using dedicated hardware with pre-implemented software to applying advanced software solutions on standard hardware. The significantly wider application of software technologies aims to ensure a substantially higher level of programmability in the network [9].