Chapter 3. Virtualization Technology

By Živko Bojović, University of Novi Sad, Serbia,

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Published: 27 Jun 2024

© 2024 Živko Bojović


In daily life, we can meet different types of virtualizations that support the creation of virtual (software) representations of servers, storage, networks, and other physical machines. Virtualization indicates that its application provides a high level of abstraction of computer hardware on which different software applications can be executed [5]. The beginnings of this technology are related to the 1960’s and the application of mainframe computers. These computers were used to process demanding and complex data, and multiple virtual servers were created on them. This technology allows the software installation and update on one virtual server without affecting the operation of other virtual servers. During that period, the professional community continued with activities on virtualization and other resources. Virtualization (sharing) of hard disks into separate logical partitions was also implemented [38]. IBM introduced System/370TM, the first of its architectures to use virtual storage and address spaces. Whether a batch job or a timesharing user, each user may have his virtual storage. A segment table maps each virtual storage with page tables for all allocated segments.