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© 2021 Burkhard Corves | Tobias Haschke | Mathias Hüsing
This book examines the entire development process of two prototypes for the automatic removal of asbestos from living spaces. In addition to the mechatronic developments, the necessary algorithms and the underlying process design are illustrated. In sum, a comprehensive picture of the presented application is created with a strong focus on its technical implementation. In particular, the clear preparation of the decision-making processes across two prototypes allows the derivation of generalised basic knowledge for the continuous automation of the crafts and construction sites. In particular, the technical design of the second prototype shows that, due to the versatility of the environment on the construction site, new forms of robots must be developed which extend the state of the art both in terms of mechatronic properties (reach, manipulability, payload, movability) and through more flexible and generally valid programming. The necessity for the use of an omnidirectional mobile robot in combination with a 7-DOF kinematically redundant serial robot arm clearly shows this need for the use in multi-family houses. In addition to this large number of degrees of freedom, the required size of the work area must be emphasised in particular, in order to be able to completely process rooms from the ceiling to the floor with a single robotic system. In addition, the high volume flow of generated overburden and the continuous reduction in output represent a challenge in mobility, especially for material-intensive removal processes. With the developed tandem and the change of concept from a moving aspiration system to a central aspiration system, the presented project shows a promising approach which does not have to wait for the further development of the current battery technology.