3. Modelling Interdependencies Within and Among Critical Infrastructures/Entities Exposed to Cyber-physical Threats

By Aleksandar Jovanović, EU-VRi - European Risk & Resilience Institute, Germany | Marjan Jelicć, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies, Germany | Peter Klimek, Medical University Vienna, Austria | Somik Chakravarty, EU-VRi - European Risk & Resilience Institute, Germany | Denis Čaleta, ICSS - Institute for Corporative Security Studies, Slovenia | Marko Gerbec, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia | Mai Thi Nguyen, EU-VRi - European Risk & Resilience Institute, Germany

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Published: 15 Sep 2021

© 2021 Aleksandar Jovanović | Marjan Jelicć | Peter Klimek | Somik Chakravarty | Denis Čaleta | Marko Gerbec | Mai Thi Nguyen


The chapter highlights the concept and practical implementation of a new approach to modelling of interdependencies both among assets/vulnerabilities within an infrastructure/SIPS (e.g. interdependency between process and the security), and other critical infrastructures, e.g. other SIPS-plants in the surroundings and/or other surrounding infrastructures (transportation, health, energy supply, etc.). The interdependency modelling has two components: (a) the classical, matrix-based one, enhanced by introducing of the scenario-time component and (b) the indicator-based one. The indicators get their values from three main sources: experts, measurements and big data. The interdependency analysis yields indicators, which, in-turn, provide the possibility to monitor resilience level of a group of infrastructure, e.g. in an industrial zone, a city or a region. The interdependencies are then visualized in a GIS-based system, providing a good basis for resilience managers and other decision-makers. Their decision is further on, supported by a decision-support system, also operating based on resilience indicators.The concept provides also basis for resilience stress-testing, relying on a concept/framework and a procedure currently being standardized.