Annals of Corporate Governance > Vol 8 > Issue 1

Shareholder Primacy as an Untenable Corporate Norm

By Yong-Shik Lee, Cornell University, USA,

Suggested Citation
Yong-Shik Lee (2023), "Shareholder Primacy as an Untenable Corporate Norm", Annals of Corporate Governance: Vol. 8: No. 1, pp 1-50.

Publication Date: 15 Nov 2023
© 2023 Y. Lee
Corporate Governance

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In this article:
1. Introduction
2. Arbitrary Determination of Corporate Interests
3. The Economic and Social Impact of Shareholder Primacy
4. Reconciling Corporate Interests and Social Interests
5. Conclusion


A seminal case in corporate law, Dodge v. Ford Motor Co., set the cardinal principle that corporations must serve the interests of shareholders rather than the interests of employees, customers, or the community. This principle, referred to as “shareholder primacy,” has been considered a tenet of the fiduciary duty owed by corporate directors. The shareholder primacy norm has influenced corporate behavior and encouraged short-term profit-seeking behavior with significant social ramifications. Corporations have been criticized for undermining the interests of employees, customers, and the community in the name of profit maximization. This monograph argues that corporate interests and broader social interests, such as benefits to consumers and employees, are not mutually exclusive and can be reconciled by allowing corporate managers and majority shareholders to define corporate interests more broadly, beyond the narrow confines of shareholder primacy.

ISBN: 978-1-63828-288-4
62 pp. $55.00
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ISBN: 978-1-63828-289-1
62 pp. $150.00
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Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Arbitrary Determination of Corporate Interests
3. The Economic and Social Impact of Shareholder Primacy
4. Reconciling Corporate Interests and Social Interests
5. Conclusion

Shareholder Primacy as an Untenable Corporate Norm

A seminal case in corporate law (Dodge v. Ford Motor Co), set the cardinal principle that corporations must serve the interests of shareholders rather than the interests of employees, customers, or the community. This principle, referred to as “shareholder primacy,” has been considered a tenet of the fiduciary duty owed by corporate directors. The shareholder primacy norm has influenced corporate behavior and encouraged short-term profit-seeking behavior with significant social ramifications. Corporations have been criticized for undermining the interests of employees, customers, and the community in the name of profit maximization.

Shareholder Primacy as an Untenable Corporate Norm argues that corporate interests and broader social interests, such as benefits to consumers and employees, are not mutually exclusive and can be reconciled by allowing corporate managers and majority shareholders to define corporate interests more broadly, beyond the narrow confines of shareholder primacy. This monograph examines the flaws of shareholder primacy as the principle for corporate governance and discuss an alternative approach (the stakeholder approach). It also discusses the necessity of a statutory adjustment and propose legal reform to clarify the current ambiguity about the legal status of shareholder primacy.
