Critical Finance Review > Vol 13 > Issue 3-4

Existing Methods Provide Unreliable Estimates of the Marginal Value of Cash

Joseph T. Halford, University of Nevada, USA, , John J. McConnell, Purdue University, USA, , Valeriy Sibilkov, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA, , Nataliya Zaiats, Suffolk University, USA,
Suggested Citation
Joseph T. Halford, John J. McConnell, Valeriy Sibilkov and Nataliya Zaiats (2024), "Existing Methods Provide Unreliable Estimates of the Marginal Value of Cash", Critical Finance Review: Vol. 13: No. 3-4, pp 305-349.

Publication Date: 12 Aug 2024
© 2024 Joseph T. Halford, John J. McConnell, Valeriy Sibilkov, and Nataliya Zaiats
CashCash policiesValue of cashCorporate governanceFinancial constraintsDual-class firmsCEO compensation


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In this article:
1. The FW Methodology and a Diagnostic Test 
2. Data and Replication of Dittmar and Mahrt-Smith (2007) 
3. Equality Proposition and the Reliability of the FW Methodology 
4. Small Changes in Cash and Separating the Components of Net Financing 
5. Effects of Financial Constraints, Executive Incentives, and Dual-Class Firms on the Marginal Value of Cash 
6. Alternative Methodologies for Estimating the Marginal Value of Cash 
7. Conclusions 


Some estimates of the marginal values of cash reported in existing literature appear inconsistent with economic common sense. We establish reasonable benchmark values for the marginal value of cash based on economic theory and empirical evidence. In various samples and contexts, the estimates of the marginal value of cash violate their respective benchmarks. Furthermore, we propose a diagnostic test to examine the reliability of the estimation methodology. The estimates fail the test. The existing methodology of Faulkender and Wang (2006) for estimating the marginal value of cash is unreliable, and empirical estimates that result should be treated with caution.


Online Appendix | 104.00000146_app.pdf

This is the article’s accompanying appendix.

DOI: 10.1561/104.00000146_app