Critical Finance Review > Vol 14 > Issue 1

Complex Instruments Have Increased Risk and Reduced Performance at Mutual Funds

Paul Calluzzo, Queen’s University, Canada, , Fabio Moneta, University of Ottawa, Canada, , Selim Topaloglu, Queen’s University, Canada,
Suggested Citation
Paul Calluzzo, Fabio Moneta and Selim Topaloglu (2025), "Complex Instruments Have Increased Risk and Reduced Performance at Mutual Funds", Critical Finance Review: Vol. 14: No. 1, pp 27-64.

Publication Date: 19 Mar 2025
© 2025 Paul Calluzzo, Fabio Moneta, and Selim Topaloglu
Mutual fundsComplex instrumentsDerivativesLeverageIlliquid assetsBorrowingMarginShort sellingOptionsFuturesRestricted securitiesPerformanceRiskRisk compensation


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In this article:
1. Motivation 
2. Data 
3. Determinants of Complex Instrument Allowance 
4. Complex Instrument Allowance and Fund Performance 
5. Complex Instrument Allowance, Risk, and Market Conditions 
6. Additional Tests 
7. Conclusion 


We study the allowance and use of derivatives, leverage, and illiquid assets by mutual funds. We observe that an increasing number of funds are granted access to these complex instruments over our sample period. In contrast to previous studies, we find that the allowance of these complex instruments is associated with poor performance and higher risk. The underperformance is most acute during market downturns, and among mutual funds that are allowed to use derivatives. We also find that mutual funds underperform when they actually use complex instruments. Overall, our results suggest caution in allowing funds to use these complex instruments.


Online Appendix | 104.00000150_app.pdf

This is the article’s accompanying appendix.

DOI: 10.1561/104.00000150_app