Critical Finance Review > Vol 14 > Issue 1

The Ungeheuer and Weber (2021) Comove and Stock Returns Effect Disappears with Control for Idiosyncratic Volatility

Peixin Li, University of Florida, USA, , Baolian Wang, University of Florida, USA,
Suggested Citation
Peixin Li and Baolian Wang (2025), "The Ungeheuer and Weber (2021) Comove and Stock Returns Effect Disappears with Control for Idiosyncratic Volatility", Critical Finance Review: Vol. 14: No. 1, pp 101-122.

Publication Date: 19 Mar 2025
© 2025 Peixin Li and Baolian Wang
Frequency of comovementIdiosyncratic volatilityCounting heuristicInternational finance


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In this article:
1. Introduction 
2. Data 
3. Results 
4. Conclusions 


Ungeheuer and Weber (2021, UW) propose a Comove measure, the fraction of weekly stock returns that are in the same direction as the market, and document that Comove positively predicts cross-sectional stock returns. We show that Comove is strongly negatively correlated with idiosyncratic volatility. Controlling for the idiosyncratic volatility effect renders the Comove effect insignificant, but not vice versa. For example, after controlling for the idiosyncratic volatility effect, the long-short Comove portfolio’s monthly alpha falls to 0.115% (t = 1.55) in the US and 0.014% (t = 0.29) in 23 international markets.


Online Appendix | 104.00000152_app.pdf

This is the article’s accompanying appendix.

DOI: 10.1561/104.00000152_app