Foundations and Trends® in Communications and Information Theory > Vol 9 > Issue 4

Coding Techniques for Repairability in Networked Distributed Storage Systems

By Frédérique Oggier, Division of Mathematical Sciences, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, | Anwitaman Datta, Division of Computer Science, School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,

Suggested Citation
Frédérique Oggier and Anwitaman Datta (2013), "Coding Techniques for Repairability in Networked Distributed Storage Systems", Foundations and Trends® in Communications and Information Theory: Vol. 9: No. 4, pp 383-466.

Publication Date: 06 Jun 2013
© 2013 F. Oggier and A. Datta
Coding theory and practice,  Storage and Recording Codes,  Network Coding

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In this article:
Part I. Background 
1. Introduction 
2. Networked Distributed Storage Systems 
3. Coding Preliminaries 
4. Erasure Codes for NDSS 
Part II. Codes Designed for Repairability 
5. Introduction 
6. Network Codes on Codes 
7. Codes on Codes 
8. Locally Repairable Codes 
9. Concluding Remarks 


This survey comprises a tutorial on traditional erasure codes and their applications to networked distributed storage systems (NDSS), followed by a survey of novel code families tailor made for better repairability in NDSS.

ISBN: 978-1-60198-676-4
103 pp. $70.00
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103 pp. $115.00
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Table of contents:
Part I. Background
1. Introduction
2. Networked Distributed Storage Systems
3. Coding Preliminaries
4. Erasure codes for NDSS
Part II. Codes Designed for Repairability
5. Introduction
6. Network Codes on Codes
7. Codes on Codes
8. Locally Repairable Codes
9. Concluding Remarks

Coding Techniques for Repairability in Networked Distributed Storage Systems

The most commonly deployed multi-storage device systems are RAID housed in a single computing unit. The idea of distributing data across multiple disks has been naturally extended to multiple storage nodes which are interconnected over a network and are called Networked Distributed Storage Systems (NDSS). The simplest coding techniques based on replication are often used to ensure redundancy in these systems, but given the sheer volume of data that needs to be stored and the overheads of replication, other coding techniques are being developed.

Coding Techniques for Repairability in Networked Distributed Storage Systems (NDSS) surveys coding techniques for NDSS, which aim at achieving (1) fault tolerance efficiently and (2) good repairability characteristics to replenish the lost redundancy, and ensure data durability over time. This is a vibrant research and this book is the first overview that presents the background required to understand the problems as well as covering the most important techniques currently being developed.

Coding Techniques for Repairability in Networked Distributed Storage Systems is essential reading for all researchers and engineers involved in designing and researching computer storage systems.
