Data Envelopment Analysis Journal > Vol 4 > Issue 2

The Remarkable Incidence of Congestion in Production: A Review, Empirical Illustration, and Research Agenda

Kristiaan Kerstens, IÉSEG School of Management, CNRS-LEM (UMR 9221), France, , Ignace Van de Woestyne, KU Leuven and Research unit MEES, Belgium
Suggested Citation
Kristiaan Kerstens and Ignace Van de Woestyne (2019), "The Remarkable Incidence of Congestion in Production: A Review, Empirical Illustration, and Research Agenda", Data Envelopment Analysis Journal: Vol. 4: No. 2, pp 109-147.

Publication Date: 12 Dec 2019
© 2019 K. Kerstens and I. Van de Woestyne
Productivity measurement and analysis,  Economic theory,  Formal modelling
Nonparametric technologycongestion


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In this article:
1. Introduction 
2. Technologies: Definition, Subsets, and Representation 
3. Technical Inefficiency and Congestion: Framework and Empirical Perspective on Congestion Measures and Incidence 
4. Empirical Illustration 
5. Research Agenda 
6. Conclusions 
Appendix: Computing the Asymmetric Efficiency Measure 


This contribution surveys the existing economic literature measuring congestion using nonparametric specifications of technologies. The focus is on the magnitude and especially the incidence of the congestion detected using traditional radial input-oriented efficiency measures. Furthermore, it shows the limitations of this radial measurement and how alternative measurement schemes may reveal higher amounts of congestion. This is empirically illustrated using a variety of secondary data sets (which guarantees replicability of our results).
