Foundations and Trends® in Information Systems > Vol 5 > Issue 4

Innovative, Creative and Sustainable Decision-Making in Changing Contexts

By Patrick Humphreys, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, | Amy Luk, Live Provenance Endeavour, Ireland,

Suggested Citation
Patrick Humphreys and Amy Luk (2022), "Innovative, Creative and Sustainable Decision-Making in Changing Contexts", Foundations and Trends® in Information Systems: Vol. 5: No. 4, pp 353-473.

Publication Date: 28 Jun 2022
© 2022 P. Humphreys and A. Luk
Systems theory,  Computer supported cooperative work,  Assistive technologies,  Authentication,  Corporate entrepreneurship,  Opportunity recognition,  Information systems development,  Behavioral decision making
Sustainable developmentEnabling factorsDecision Support SystemsDecision enactmentLive provenanceSafe direct tradingGeneration of trustSustainability-enabling decision supportEntrepreneurial innovationCluster buildingSilk roadCaravanserai platform

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In this article:
1. Introduction
2. Learning from the Past: Trading Along the Silk Road
3. Sustainable Development Enabling Factors in Recent History: Entrepreneurial Innovation Clusters
4. Case Example: Cooperativa Agraria Cafeteleria, Pangoa
5. Socialising the Decision-Making and Enactment Process
6. Case Study: Safe Direct Trading Enabling Sustainable Development: Socialised Enactment of a Complex Decision
7. Opportunities for Building a Sustainability-Enabling Decision Support (SEDS) Platform
8. Conclusion


This monograph presents a unique and powerful bottom-up methodology for promoting and securing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through innovative and creative decision-making and enactment in a wide variety of entrepreneurial innovation contexts. It identifies four sustainable development enabling factors, namely: 1) the presence of a trustworthy trading system for both private and public goods; 2) the need for communication facilities for provenance exploration, authentication and demonstration; 3) the ability to build and support entrepreneurial innovation clusters bottom-up; and 4) the ability to establish “Caravanserai” and promote transaction-based sustainable tourism within the local community. We argue that these four factors, when implemented together, can enable a strong bottom-up contribution to sustainability in all its forms.

ISBN: 978-1-63828-010-1
138 pp. $90.00
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ISBN: 978-1-63828-011-8
138 pp. $145.00
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Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Learning from the Past: Trading Along the Silk Road
3. Sustainable Development Enabling Factors in Recent History: Entrepreneurial Innovation Clusters
4. Case Example: Cooperativa Agraria Cafeteleria, Pangoa
5. Socialising the Decision-Making and Enactment Process
6. Case Study: Safe Direct Trading Enabling Sustainable Development: Socialised Enactment of a Complex Decision
7. Opportunities for Building a Sustainability-Enabling Decision Support (SEDS) Platform
8. Conclusion

Innovative, Creative and Sustainable Decision-Making in Changing Contexts

This monograph presents a unique and powerful bottom-up methodology for promoting and securing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through innovative and creative decision-making and enactment in a wide variety of entrepreneurial innovation contexts. The authors identify four sustainable development enabling factors – (1) the presence of a trustworthy trading system for private and public goods; (2) the need for communication facilities for provenance exploration, authentication and demonstration; (3) the ability to build and support entrepreneurial innovation clusters bottom-up; and (4) the ability to establish caravanserai – and argue that these four factors can enable a strong bottom-up contribution to sustainability in all its forms.

The authors investigate the changing contexts for decision support now emerging from the responses to pandemic-driven lockdowns, explore how in ancient history a set of sustainable development enabling factors was responsible for the enduring success of safe local and trans-national trading relationships, and reveal the role of these factors in recent history. They also provide a case study example of a coffee grower in Peru that successfully promotes the full set of sustainability-enabling factors through their own bottom-up innovative and creative activities. They discuss the opportunities arising from building a Sustainability-Enabling Decision Support (SEDS) platform and conclude by examining how success stories, mediated by a SEDS at the micro level can promote into new territories at the meso sand macro level guided by these sustainable development enabling factors.


Replication Data | (ZIP).

This Supplementary Material contains video files that the authors reference in their work.

DOI: 10.1561/2900000024_supp