Foundations and Trends® in Information Systems > Vol 8 > Issue 1

Strategic Support Systems for Crisis Management: A Literature Review

By Elandaloussi Sidahmed, Toulouse Capitole University, IRIT, France, | Zaraté Pascale, Toulouse Capitole University, IRIT, France,

Suggested Citation
Elandaloussi Sidahmed and Zaraté Pascale (2024), "Strategic Support Systems for Crisis Management: A Literature Review", Foundations and Trends® in Information Systems: Vol. 8: No. 1, pp 1-65.

Publication Date: 25 Sep 2024
© 2024 E. Sidahmed and Z. Pascale
Assistive technologies,  Computer supported cooperative work,  History of the research community,  Technology,  Collaborative filtering and recommender systems,  Collective intelligence,  Content management,  Information systems and organizations,  Strategic management
Strategic decision support systemsCOVID-19 crisis managementStrategic planningStrategic managementGenerative AI

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In this article:
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review Methodology
3. Study Background
4. Strategic Decision Support Systems
5. SDSSs Architectures and Models
6. Generative AI for Strategic Decision Support Systems
7. Discussion
8. Conclusion


This monograph presents a literature review of Strategic Decision Support Systems (SDSS) used in various fields such as transport, trade, logistics, medicine and education. The main objective of these systems is to provide information to decision makers to mitigate various influences. The chosen case study of this monograph is COVID-19 crisis management, which is an example that has an impact on sectors such as health, education, economy, the environment, and others. It aims to identify critical dependencies and how to develop efficient solutions. In particular, this monograph explores the problem of support for the strategic planning decision making during COVID-19 crisis management.

ISBN: 978-1-63828-392-8
80 pp. $65.00
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ISBN: 978-1-63828-393-5
80 pp. $155.00
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Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review Methodology
3. Study Background
4. Strategic Decision Support Systems
5. SDSSs Architectures and Models
6. Generative AI for Strategic Decision Support Systems
7. Discussion
8. Conclusion

Strategic Support Systems for Crisis Management: A Literature Review

Strategic Support Systems for Crisis Management presents a literature review of Strategic Decision Support Systems (SDSS). The chosen SDSS case study is COVID-19 crisis management and its impact on sectors such as health, education, and the economy. This monograph addresses the following questions: What are the different architectures of defined Strategic DSS and which SDSS is better to deal with each crisis?

The monograph begins by discussing a comprehensive methodology for the literature review and providing an overview of the study background. Section 4 is devoted to discussing the most important studies in SDSS technologies. SDSS models are presented in Section 5. Section 6 explores the application of generative AI, and specifically ChatGPT, in the context of COVID-19 pandemic decision support systems. Section 7 provides a brief discussion of the conducted surveys. Finally, Section 8 summarizes the monograph and provides some concluding remarks.
