Journal of Forest Economics > Vol 22 > Issue 1

Examining heterogeneity and wildfire management expenditures using spatially and temporally descriptive data

Michael S. Hand, , Matthew P. Thompson, David E. Calkin
Suggested Citation
Michael S. Hand, Matthew P. Thompson and David E. Calkin (2016), "Examining heterogeneity and wildfire management expenditures using spatially and temporally descriptive data", Journal of Forest Economics: Vol. 22: No. 1, pp 80-102.

Publication Date: 0/1/2016
© 0 2016 Michael S. Hand, Matthew P. Thompson, David E. Calkin
JEL Codes:Q23H11
WildfireSuppression expendituresHeterogeneityCost models


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In this article:
Relationships between expenditures and heterogeneous fire characteristics 
Empirical approach 
Data on expenditures and fire characteristics based on the final fire perimeter 


Increasing costs of wildfire management have highlighted the need to better understand suppression expenditures and potential tradeoffs of land management activities that may affect fire risks. Spatially and temporally descriptive data is used to develop a model of wildfire suppression expenditures, providing new insights into the role of spatial and temporal heterogeneity in determining expenditures. Incorporating heterogeneity improves model fit and predictive ability over a model with data based on the point and time of fire ignition. The model is potentially useful for providing expenditure information for simulated fire applications and post-season evaluation of suppression activities.
