Journal of Forest Economics > Vol 35 > Issue 1

How Sensitive are Spatial Estimates of Wilderness Recreation Values to Information about Hiking Destinations?

José J. Sánchez, USDA Forest Service, USA, , Kenneth Baerenklau, University of California, Riverside, USA, Armando González-Cabán, USDA Forest Service, USA
Suggested Citation
José J. Sánchez, Kenneth Baerenklau and Armando González-Cabán (2020), "How Sensitive are Spatial Estimates of Wilderness Recreation Values to Information about Hiking Destinations?", Journal of Forest Economics: Vol. 35: No. 1, pp 19-41.

Publication Date: 22 Jan 2020
© 2020 J. J. Sánchez, K. Baerenklau and A. González-Cabán
GISKuhn-Tucker demand system modelNonmarket valuationWeb-based surveyViewshed analysis


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In this article:
1. Introduction 
2. Study Area and Data 
3. Estimation of Forest Recreation Values 
4. Spatial Allocation Procedure 
5. Discussion and Conclusion 


This study uses individual survey data to investigate the impact of information about hiking destinations on estimated wilderness values in a spatial context. The data is derived from a revealed preference survey of backcountry visitors who responded to questions about their recreation behavior in the San Jacinto Wilderness of southern California. Two GIS data layers are developed showing spatial representations of non-market values derived from a Kuhn- Tucker demand model, with and without destination information. Each pixel in each data layer contains an estimate of the recreation value at that location. The destination data provides more detailed information on recreation behavior that can be used to more accurately allocate the landscape values. Results show that including destination information produces significantly greater heterogeneity in parcel value estimates for large areas of the wilderness.
