Journal of Forest Economics > Vol 35 > Issue 2-3

Technical Efficiency of Chinese Forestry and Its Total Factor Productivity for the Adaption of the Climate Change

Malin Song, Fujian Normal University, China, Xin Zhao, Fujian Normal University, China, Yongrok Choi, Inha University, Korea,
Suggested Citation
Malin Song, Xin Zhao and Yongrok Choi (2020), "Technical Efficiency of Chinese Forestry and Its Total Factor Productivity for the Adaption of the Climate Change", Journal of Forest Economics: Vol. 35: No. 2-3, pp 149-175.

Publication Date: 30 Mar 2020
© 2020 M. Song, X. Zhao and Y. Choi
JEL Codes: Q23Q54Q57
Climate changeHeterogeneous production technologyMetafrontierSpatial and temporal disparitiesConvergence


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In this article:
1. Introduction 
2. Literature Review 
3. Theory and Method of the Meta-Frontier Model 
4. Empirical Analysis 
5. Conclusion 


Under the heterogeneity of forestry production technology for different provinces and regions of China, this paper calculates the technical efficiencies and technological gap ratios of four major forest regions in China during 2005–2015, considering time and space dimensions. The study adopts a meta-frontier theoretical framework to research on the total factor productivity of forestry, its components, and growth sources. Finally, regional convergence is also tested. The results show low forestry technical efficiency in general, with diverse regional disparities. As expected, the levels of forestry technical efficiency and the technological gap ratios in the four major forest regions change under the different technology frontiers. The total factor productivity of forestry has improved slightly, driven mainly by the change in technical efficiency, although its growth sources differ across the four forest regions. The national total factor productivity shows no trend of convergence, while absolute convergence appears in all four forest regions and nationally, implying that improving technical efficiency is the key driving force for growing forestry TFP in China.



Journal of Forest Economics, Volume 35, Issue 2-3 Special issue - Natural capital and ecosystem service: Sustainable forest management and climate change: Articles Overiew
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