Objectives: Evaluate the capacity of temperate forest resources to both provide climate change mitigation and to sustain the downstream timber sector explicitly considering the cascade of biophysical and economic drivers (in particular, climate change impacts and subsequent adaptation actions) and their uncertainty. Methodology: A recursive bio-economic model of French forest resources, management, and timber markets has been coupled for this study with spatial statistical models of forest response to climate change long-term scenarios and land-use change. Main Results: (a) Climate change impacts on tree mortality are greater than those on tree growth variations; (b) Due to increasing competition with agriculture, climate change may reverse current trends in forest area expansion; (c) Due to rising average tree sizes, volume growth strongly declines over time and may eventually cease within the next century; (d) Future climate change impacts already have strong consequences on today’s forest investment profitability; (e) The relative importance of forest substitution over forest sequestration increases as the timeframe increases; (f) While the forest sector has the potential to counterbalance a significant share of the national carbon emissions, this potential is threatened by climate change and the need to adapt to it. Profit-driven forest management does increase mitigation; (g) Uncertainty derived from using different climatic models over the same IPCC storyline has the same order of magnitude as the uncertainty derived from using the same climatic model under different storylines.
Supplementary Material | 112.00000522_supp.zip (ZIP).
This is the article's accompanying supplementary material It contains: Input data and replication information: This archive contains, on the one hand, the complete set of files used to run the scenarios presented in the paper. On the other hand, it contains the instructions for transforming these data into those used as input by the model. The main file containing settings and data is an OpenDocument spreadsheet (\ ffsmInputods"). Spatial data are included in the thiis folder. Model source code: The complete source code (in C++) of the model. Model compilation and usage instructions: Instructions on how to compile and run the model. Detailed model documentation: A much more in-depth documentation of the model in the form of a PDF directly generated from the annotated source code using the Doxygen documentation tool. Complete model output: A (large) collection of files containing the detailed output of the model for each French region. Raw output results from Forest Dynamic, Market and Carbon Modules are available in the \results" folders. Spatialised results are given in folder \maps". The archive also contains the scripts used to analyse these results.