Journal of Forest Economics > Vol 37 > Issue 3

Study on the Impacts of China’s Waste Paper Import Restrictive Policies on the Cycle Synchronization between the Chinese and International Waste Paper Markets

Di Shang, School of Economics and Management, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), China, , Gang Diao, Business School, Lishui University, China, , Chang Liu, School of Economics and Management, Hebei Agricultural University, China, , Lucun Yu, School of Economics and Management, Hebei Agricultural University, China,
Suggested Citation
Di Shang, Gang Diao, Chang Liu and Lucun Yu (2022), "Study on the Impacts of China’s Waste Paper Import Restrictive Policies on the Cycle Synchronization between the Chinese and International Waste Paper Markets", Journal of Forest Economics: Vol. 37: No. 3, pp 295-318.

Publication Date: 25 Jul 2022
© 2022 D. Shang, G. Diao, C. Liu and L. Yu
Waste paper pricewaste paper import restrictive policieswavelet analysiscycle synchronization


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In this article:
1. Introduction 
2. Data 
3. Methodology 
4. Results 
5. Discussion 
6. Conclusion 


As strong mutual dependence exists between the Chinese and international waste paper markets, changes in one market will inevitably affect both markets. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of China’s newly implemented waste paper import restrictive policies on the price cycles of the Chinese and international waste paper markets and on the relationship between them. The results of the wavelet analysis and cointegration test based on the ARDL model revealed that the price cycles of the Chinese and international waste paper markets are synchronized in both periodicity and amplitude, but the degree of the synchronization relationship varies across time and frequencies along with China’s newly implemented policies. These policies have broken the price cycle synchronization between the two markets and led to ineffective resource allocations and more fluctuations in both markets, threatening the stable development of the Chinese paper industry and the international recycling industry.


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DOI: 10.1561/112.00000548_supp