Journal of Forest Economics > Vol 38 > Issue 3

The Impact of Log Export Restrictions on China’s Log Import

Zhijie Guan, Wu Jinglian School of Economics, Changzhou University and Department of Economic Management, Changzhou University Huaide College, P. R. China, , Yue Zhang, Department of Economic Management, Changzhou University Huaide College, P. R. China
Suggested Citation
Zhijie Guan and Yue Zhang (2023), "The Impact of Log Export Restrictions on China’s Log Import", Journal of Forest Economics: Vol. 38: No. 3, pp 317-338.

Publication Date: 23 Aug 2023
© 2023 Z. Guan and Y. Zhang
Logexport restrictionsimport tradegravity model


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In this article:
1. Introduction 
2. Status of Log Export Restrictions 
3. Status of China’s Imports of Logs from Countries with Export Bans 
4. Methods and Data 
5. Empirical Results and Discussion 
6. Conclusions and Policy Recommendations 


Many countries have implemented various types of restrictions on the export of logs to protect their forest resources. This paper examines the impact of log export restrictions in 38 countries on China’s log import by using the gravity model. The results show that the GDP, the relative abundance of forest resources, and WTO membership of an exporting country as well as the exchange rate positively affect China’s log import. The per capita GDP of an exporting country, its distance to China, and log export restrictions had negative impacts on its log export to China. There are differences in the magnitude of the impact among different types of restrictions: complete ban > conditional ban > time-limited ban > export tariff.
