Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy > Vol 1 > Issue 3

Identity and Information in Organizations

John W. Patty, Emory University, , Elizabeth Maggie Penn, Emory University,
Suggested Citation
John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn (2020), "Identity and Information in Organizations", Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy: Vol. 1: No. 3, pp 379-416.

Publication Date: 24 Aug 2020
© 2020 J. W. Patty and E. M. Penn
Political economy,  Bureaucracy: Public administration
Performancemissiongoalsleadershipcheap talk


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In this article:
Organizational Identity 
The Model 
Equilibrium Analysis with Fixed Mission 
Institutional Design with Organizational Identity 
Communication and Transactional Authority 
A. Examples of Informational Environments 
B. Loyalty Equilibria 
C. Derivations and Proofs (For Online Publication) 


Identity, reputation, and culture represent ways to understand why organizations with similar structures and memberships nevertheless behave differently. While a large body of work has advanced our understanding of the effects of formal institutional details such as delegation, hierarchy, transparency, and oversight on organizational behavior, less attention has been paid to informal institutional details such as shared mission, professionalism, and other bases of organizational identity. We present a theory of organizational decision-making that incorporates organizational identity in the form of "mission." The degree to which individuals will be motivated to adopt their organization's mission will be influenced by both the preferences of others within, and the structure of, the organization. Thus, we provide a theory of endogenous preferences within organizations that incorporates features of both formal and informal institutions.



Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy, Volume 1, Issue 3 Special issue - Frontiers in Political Economy
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