APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing > Vol 12 > Issue 1

Maximum Likelihood Direct Zone Estimation with Antenna Beam Pattern Aware Received Signal Power

Gurusanthosh Pabbisetty, Kyoto University and Toshiba Corporation, Japan, gurusanthosh.pabbisetty@toshiba.co.jp , Hiroki Honda, Osaka City University, Japan, Kazunori Hayashi, Kyoto University, Japan, Hiroki Mori, Toshiba Corporation, Japan
Suggested Citation
Gurusanthosh Pabbisetty, Hiroki Honda, Kazunori Hayashi and Hiroki Mori (2023), "Maximum Likelihood Direct Zone Estimation with Antenna Beam Pattern Aware Received Signal Power", APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing: Vol. 12: No. 1, e49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/116.00000134

Publication Date: 06 Dec 2023
© 2023 G. Pabbisetty, H. Honda, K. Hayashi and H. Mori
Zone EstimationMaximum LikelihoodBeampatternReceived Signal Power


Open Access

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In this article:
Direct Zone Estimation Problem and Received Signal Model 
Proposed Direct Zone Estimation with Maximum Likelihood 
Simulation Results 
Measurement Results 


We segregate a region of interest into several zones, and consider the problem of estimating the zone of target sensor node using received signal power at the sensor node corresponding to the transmitted signal from each anchor node. Contrary to typical indirect zone estimation methods (location estimation followed by zone mapping), we propose direct zone estimation with maximum likelihood approach for Rayleigh and Nakagami-Rice fading channels. The advantage of the proposed approach is confirmed via computer simulations. However, the performance evaluation using measurement data has revealed the impact of non-uniform antenna beam patterns of practical sensor nodes. Thus, we also propose to incorporate the effect of the directivity of practical sensors in the evaluation of likelihood function, and demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach using measurement data.
