Foundations and Trends® in Integrated Circuits and Systems > Vol 3 > Issue 4

Towards Scalable Quantum Sensors: Interface Electronics for Quantum Sensors

By Michal Kern, University of Stuttgart, Germany, | Khubaib Khan, University of Stuttgart, Germany, | Philipp Hengel, University of Stuttgart, Germany, | Jens Anders, University of Stuttgart, Germany and Institute for Microelectronics Stuttgart (IMS CHIPS), Germany,

Suggested Citation
Michal Kern, Khubaib Khan, Philipp Hengel and Jens Anders (2024), "Towards Scalable Quantum Sensors: Interface Electronics for Quantum Sensors", Foundations and TrendsĀ® in Integrated Circuits and Systems: Vol. 3: No. 4, pp 218-272.

Publication Date: 18 Dec 2024
© 2024 M. Kern et al.
Analog circuits and systems,  Analog-to-digital converters,  Biomedical circuits and systems,  Emerging technologies,  Mixed-signal circuits and systems,  mm-Wave integrated circuits,  Quantum circuits,  RF circuits,  Sensors

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In this article:
1. Introduction and Motivation
2. Quantum Sensing: A Short Overview
3. Solid-state Defects as Qquantum Sensors
4. Gas-based Quantum Sensors
5. Summary and Conclusion


This monograph presents the emerging field of second-generation quantum sensing, which leverages phenomena such as superposition and entanglement, thereby offering measurement sensitivities far surpassing classical methods. In our discussion, we emphasize its potential to revolutionize various scientific and technological domains. Starting with a foundational overview of quantum sensors, distinguishing them from quantum computing and communication technologies, we then highlight the relative maturity of quantum sensing, especially in room-temperature operations, which positions it closest to market adoption.

The main part of the monograph is dedicated to solid-state defects, particularly nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond, which have emerged as promising candidates for scalable quantum sensors. The unique optical and spin properties of NV centers are explored in detail, emphasizing their possible applications in fields such as biomedical imaging, materials science, and semiconductor inspection. We delve into the technical aspects of integrating NV centers with conventional electronic and photonic systems, discussing the challenges and innovations in electronic interface circuits, photonic integration, and system-level integration technologies.

Additionally, we examine gas-based quantum sensors, particularly those utilizing Rydberg atoms, which offer high precision due to their long coherence times. The challenges of integrating gas-based sensors, compared to their solid-state counterparts, are also briefly discussed.

Overall, the monograph underscores the potential of secondgeneration quantum sensors, particularly those based on NV centers, to be the first scalable, high-volume quantum devices on the market, with applications spanning various fields due to their high sensitivity and room-temperature operation.

ISBN: 978-1-63828-490-1
64 pp. $55.00
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ISBN: 978-1-63828-491-8
64 pp. $155.00
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Table of contents:
1. Introduction and Motivation
2. Quantum Sensing: A Short Overview
3. Solid-state Defects as Qquantum Sensors
4. Gas-based Quantum Sensors
5. Summary and Conclusion

Towards Scalable Quantum Sensors: Interface Electronics for Quantum Sensors

This monograph presents the emerging field of second-generation quantum sensing, which leverages phenomena such as superposition and entanglement, thereby offering measurement sensitivities far surpassing classical methods. In the discussion, the potential to revolutionize various scientific and technological domains is emphasized. Starting with a foundational overview of quantum sensors, distinguishing them from quantum computing and communication technologies, the relative maturity of quantum sensing is then highlighted, especially in room-temperature operations, which positions it closest to market adoption.

The main part of the monograph is dedicated to solid-state defects, particularly nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond, which have emerged as promising candidates for scalable quantum sensors. The unique optical and spin properties of NV centers are explored in detail, emphasizing their possible applications in fields such as biomedical imaging, materials science, and semiconductor inspection. The technical aspects of integrating NV centers with conventional electronic and photonic systems are delved into, discussing the challenges and innovations in electronic interface circuits photonic integration, and system-level integration technologies.

Additionally, gas-based quantum sensors and examined, particularly those utilizing Rydberg atoms, which offer high precision due to their long coherence times. The challenges of integrating gas-based sensors, compared to their solid-state counterparts, are also briefly discussed. Overall, the monograph underscores the potential of second-generation quantum sensors, particularly those based on NV centers, to be the first scalable, high-volume quantum devices on the market, with applications spanning various fields due to their high sensitivity and room-temperature operation.
