Foundations and Trends® in Optimization > Vol 7 > Issue 2-3

Multi-agent Online Optimization

By Deming Yuan, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China, | Alexandre Proutiere, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, | Guodong Shi, The University of Sydney, Australia,

Suggested Citation
Deming Yuan, Alexandre Proutiere and Guodong Shi (2024), "Multi-agent Online Optimization", Foundations and TrendsĀ® in Optimization: Vol. 7: No. 2-3, pp 81-263.

Publication Date: 16 Dec 2024
© 2024 D. Yuan et al.
Optimization,  Online learning,  Distributed computing,  Control/Graph-theoretic models

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In this article:
1. Introduction
2. Preliminaries
3. Full Information Feedback
4. Bandit Feedback
5. Decisions Under Long-term Constraints
6. Multi-agent Online Linear Regressions
7. Decisions Over Compressed Communications
8. Decisions Over Dynamic Networks


This monograph provides an overview of distributed online optimization in multi-agent systems. Online optimization approaches planning and decision problems from a robust learning perspective, where one learns through feedback from sequentially arriving costs, resembling a game between a learner (agent) and the environment. Recently, multi-agent systems have become important in diverse areas including smart power grids, communication networks, machine learning, and robotics, where agents work with decentralized data, costs, and decisions to collectively minimize a system-wide cost. In such settings, agents make distributed decisions and collaborate with neighboring agents through a communication network, leading to scalable solutions that often perform as well as centralized methods. The monograph offers a unified introduction, starting with fundamental algorithms for basic problems, and gradually covering state-of-the-art techniques for more complex settings. The interplay between individual agent learning rates, network structure, and communication complexity is highlighted in the overall system performance.

ISBN: 978-1-63828-482-6
196 pp. $99.00
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ISBN: 978-1-63828-483-3
196 pp. $310.00
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Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Preliminaries
3. Full Information Feedback
4. Bandit Feedback
5. Decisions Under Long-term Constraints
6. Multi-agent Online Linear Regressions
7. Decisions Over Compressed Communications
8. Decisions Over Dynamic Networks

Multi-agent Online Optimization

This monograph provides an overview of distributed online optimization in multi-agent systems. Online optimization approaches planning and decision problems from a robust learning perspective, where one learns through feedback from sequentially arriving costs, resembling a game between a learner (agent) and the environment. Recently, multi-agent systems have become important in diverse areas including smart power grids, communication networks, machine learning, and robotics, where agents work with decentralized data, costs, and decisions to collectively minimize a system-wide cost. In such settings, agents make distributed decisions and collaborate with neighboring agents through a communication network, leading to scalable solutions that often perform as well as centralized methods.

The monograph offers a unified introduction, starting with fundamental algorithms for basic problems, and gradually covering state-of-the-art techniques for more complex settings. The interplay between individual agent learning rates, network structure, and communication complexity is highlighted in the overall system performance.
