I explain the elements of bricolage — creating solutions with what is at hand — as they apply to innovation in large firms. First, managers can enumerate existing resources through architectural and historical analysis to uncover valuable assets. Second, managers can encourage employees to alter their routines by changing how people interact across internal boundaries; either promoting boundary-spanners, restructuring, or destructuring. Third, managers can recognize new market opportunities by asking employees, customers, and others already in the firm's network to engage in analogical thinking or interact with existing artifacts, such as products. Fourth, to enable the ideas generated through any of the first three steps to come to fruition, managers can relax mechanisms for selection by choosing more organic, decentralized structures. The corporate bricolage approach is recommended when alternative means of innovation would take too much time or money. This approach illustrates the benefits of strategy process for further development of the resource-based view of the firm.
Strategic Management Review, Volume 2, Issue 2 Special issue on Corporate Renewal
See the other articles that are part of this special issue.