Foundations and Trends® in Systems and Control > Vol 11 > Issue 4

On Robust and Predictive Control Approaches for Linear Parameter Varying Systems: Application to Vehicle Lateral Control

By Olivier Sename, Université Grenoble Alpes, France, | Ariel Medero Borrell, Université Grenoble Alpes, France and Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (CSIC-UPC), Spain, | Marcelo Menezes Morato, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil,

Suggested Citation
Olivier Sename, Ariel Medero Borrell and Marcelo Menezes Morato (2024), "On Robust and Predictive Control Approaches for Linear Parameter Varying Systems: Application to Vehicle Lateral Control", Foundations and Trends® in Systems and Control: Vol. 11: No. 4, pp 285-380.

Publication Date: 25 Sep 2024
© 2024 O. Sename et al.
Systems theory,  Control applications,  Optimal control,  Control of nonlinear systems

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In this article:
1. About LPV Systems and Control
2. Robust LPV Control Synthesis
3. Predictive Control Design with the LPV Framework
4. Applications to Lateral Control of Autonomous Vehicles
5. Applications to Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS)
6. Perspectives


This monograph presents for the first time a unified synthesis on how to design robust and predictive control approaches for (discrete-time) Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems. In particular, some recent results concerning LPV state feedback design using the H framework and Model Predictive Control (MPC) for LPV systems are presented. Then, both approaches are illustrated in two important cases for automotive applications. First, the lateral steering control of autonomous vehicles is considered. Then, an application to Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems is presented, where MPC and LPV approaches are integrated in view of optimal selection of the scheduling parameter.

ISBN: 978-1-63828-394-2
110 pp. $80.00
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ISBN: 978-1-63828-395-9
110 pp. $155.00
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Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Robust LPV Control Synthesis
3. Predictive Control Design with the LPV Framework
4. Applications to Lateral Control of Autonomous Vehicles
5. Applications to Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS)
6. Perspectives

On Robust and Predictive Control Approaches for Linear Parameter Varying Systems: Application to Vehicle Lateral Control

This monograph presents a unified synthesis on how to design robust and predictive control approaches for discrete-time Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems. In particular, some recent results concerning LPV state-feedback design using the H framework and Model Predictive Control for LPV systems are presented. Thereafter, both approaches are illustrated in several important case studies for automotive applications. Firstly, the lateral steering control of autonomous vehicles is considered. Then, an application to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems is presented, where MPC and LPV approaches are integrated in view of optimal selection of the scheduling parameter.

This monograph will be of interest to students, researchers and professionals who want to learn more about designing robust and predictive control approaches for discrete-time Linear Parameter Varying systems.
