Journal of Forest Economics > Vol 15 > Issue 43497

Valuing environmental goods and services derived from the forests

Anne Stenger, , Patrice Harou, Ståle Navrud
Suggested Citation
Anne Stenger, Patrice Harou and Ståle Navrud (2009), "Valuing environmental goods and services derived from the forests", Journal of Forest Economics: Vol. 15: No. 43497, pp 1-14.

Publication Date: 0/1/2009
© 0 2009 Anne Stenger, Patrice Harou, Ståle Navrud
JEL Codes:Q230Q280
Environmental valuationForest resources


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In this article:
Contributions to the special issue 


The purpose of this special issue of the Journal of Forest Economics is to illustrate the use and limitations of environmental valuation in decision making related to the management of forest resources in Europe. The contributions to this special issue are organized following the conclusions of a workshop on forest valuations in Europe in Nancy, France (September 26–27, 2006). The aim is to (1) establish guidance protocols for forest valuation studies, (2) organize the estimated values in a database and (3) use the database for meta-analysis and value transfer. As these guidance protocols are firmly established and followed, and the frequency and quality of these studies increase, their increased use in the decision-making process should help the forestry sector in finding its just place in the sustainable development strategy for Europe.
