The review process of the SMR is designed to provide authors with timely decisions. Submissions are initially reviewed in-house to filter out manuscripts that are inappropriate for various reasons such as falling outside the scope of the journal or generally lacking the requisite quality to warrant demands on referees' time. The SMR follows an annual review process of proposals that are judged according to the criteria of (1) engagement with the canonical problems of strategic management, (2) potential for theoretical integration of strategy research, (3) potential to guide future research, (4) creative insights, and (5) viability. The review process is single-blind with referees remaining anonymous. Referee reports for manuscripts are considered advisory but not definitive in the editors' decisions. Revise and resubmits are used sparingly.
The SMR accepts only electronic submissions. The most recent call for proposals is available here.
Submissions must be emailed to the editors-in-chief, Michael Leiblein ( and Jeffrey Reuer ( during the submission window contained in the call for proposals. To expedite processing, your subject line should be: SMR submission.
In the body of your message, please include all of the following information:
Attach a PDF file to your message and send. If you already have a full draft of a manuscript, that may also be included for consideration.
The Author(s) declares that the proposed manuscript has not been previously published, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that its publication is approved by all co-authors, if any, and any other authorities at the corporation/institute/university where the work was done. Further, if accepted, the work will not be published elsewhere in similar form.
Thank you for your interest in the Strategic Management Review.