Strategic Management Review > Vol 6 > Issue 1-2

Value Creation Tension in Coopetition: Virtuous Cycles and Vicious Cycles

Tadhg Ryan-Charleton, Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, New Zealand, , Devi R. Gnyawali, Department Head and R.B. Pamplin Professor, Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech, USA,
Suggested Citation
Tadhg Ryan-Charleton and Devi R. Gnyawali (2025), "Value Creation Tension in Coopetition: Virtuous Cycles and Vicious Cycles", Strategic Management Review: Vol. 6: No. 1-2, pp 193-218.

Publication Date: 19 Mar 2025
© 2025 now Publishers, Inc.
Strategic management,  Competitive strategy,  Collaborative strategy,  Organization and strategy
Coopetitiontensioninterplay of competition and cooperationvalue creation


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In this article:
Value in Coopetition 
Value Creation Tension in Coopetition 
Virtuous and Vicious Cycles 
Contribution, Limitations, and a Research Agenda 


Intent to create value is the raison d'ĂȘtre for participation in coopetition, but the complexities and challenges of value creation are poorly understood relative to other areas of the coopetition literature. Our essay highlights how simultaneous efforts to pursue firm value creation and joint value creation leads to challenges and unique tension in coopetition. We develop the concept of 'value creation tension' to explain how efforts towards firm value creation in coopetition can undermine joint value creation and vice versa. We also demonstrate how such tension manifests in challenges faced by managers, in terms of cognition, behavior, and emotion. Drawing from the paradox literature, we suggest that attempts to resolve, manage, or manipulate tension may reinforce the positives, leading to virtuous cycles, or negatives, leading to vicious cycles. Our essay offers foundations for addressing a critical but currently underexplored tension in coopetition; offering avenues for future research within and beyond the coopetition literature.



Strategic Management Review, Volume 6, Issue 1-2 Special Issue on Coopetition
See the other articles that are part of this special issue.