Foundations and Trends® in Signal Processing > Vol 19 > Issue 1

Sound Field Estimation: Theories and Applications

By Natsuki Ueno, Kumamoto University, Japan, | Shoichi Koyama, National Institute of Informatics, Japan,

Suggested Citation
Natsuki Ueno and Shoichi Koyama (2025), "Sound Field Estimation: Theories and Applications", Foundations and TrendsĀ® in Signal Processing: Vol. 19: No. 1, pp 1-98.

Publication Date: 27 Feb 2025
© 2025 N. Ueno and S. Koyama
Audio signal processing,  Decoding and inverse problems,  Signal reconstruction

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In this article:
1. Introduction
2. Overview of Sound Field Estimation Problem
3. Preliminaries: Theories on Helmholtz Equation
4. Sound Field Estimation with Boundary Measurement Approach
5. Sound Field Estimation with Discrete Measurement Approach
6. Applications
7. Conclusions


The spatial information of sound plays a crucial role in various situations, ranging from daily activities to advanced engineering technologies. To fully utilize its potential, numerous research studies on spatial audio signal processing have been carried out in the literature. Sound field estimation is one of the key foundational technologies that can be applied to a wide range of acoustic signal processing techniques, including sound field reproduction using loudspeakers and binaural playback through headphones. The purpose of this monograph is to present an overview of sound field estimation methods. After providing the necessary mathematical background, two different approaches to sound field estimation will be explained. This monograph focuses on clarifying the essential theories of each approach, while also referencing state-of-the-art developments. Finally, several acoustic signal processing technologies will be discussed as examples of the application of sound field estimation.

ISBN: 978-1-63828-524-3
114 pp. $80.00
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ISBN: 978-1-63828-525-0
114 pp. $160.00
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Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Overview of Sound Field Estimation Problem
3. Preliminaries: Theories on Helmholtz Equation
4. Sound Field Estimation with Boundary Measurement Approach
5. Sound Field Estimation with Discrete Measurement Approach
6. Applications
7. Conclusions

Sound Field Estimation: Theories and Applications

The purpose of this monograph is to present an overview of sound field estimation methods. The spatial information of sound plays a crucial role in various situations, ranging from daily activities to advanced engineering technologies. To fully utilize its potential, numerous research studies on spatial audio signal processing have been carried out in the literature. Sound field estimation is one of the key foundational technologies that can be applied to a wide range of acoustic signal processing techniques, including sound field reproduction using loudspeakers and binaural playback through headphones.

After providing the necessary mathematical background, different approaches to sound field estimation are explained. This work focuses on clarifying the essential theories of each approach, while also referencing state-of-the-art developments. Finally, several acoustic signal processing technologies are discussed as examples of the application of sound field estimation. This monograph provides an overview and reference for students and researchers active in audio signal processing.
